
a new shopping experience

Dov Katz

In my PhD work at the UMass Robotics Lab, I developed a new paradigm for autonomous robots. This paradigm tightly couples action and perception. You can find more in my Interactive Perception page and in my dissertation. Much of my academic work is hosted in my research Homepage. If you care about academic genealogy, here's mine.

Check out my research on pile manipulation, manipulating articulated objects, interactive perception for autonomous manipulation, and my book chapter about Intelligent Object Exploration. I also wrote a paper about how can robots succeed in unstructured environments. This is a nice overview for what later will become the interactive perception framework. You can find a complete list of publications on DBLP and ResearchGate.

After my postdoc at CMU, I joined Oculus in the early days. I led Oculus' computer vision work, including the development of the first commercial virtual reality position tracking. As Oculus got ready to ship position tracking to consumers, it was acquired by Facebook. My work in Virtual Reality resulted in several patents (also on Justia).

I was fortunate enough to be invited to give talks about both my academic research and my work at Oculus/Facebook. You can find some of them here: Computer Vision Challenges for VR, 6D position tracking for VR, Israel Machine Vision Conference, workshop on startup at the Robotics Science and Systems conference (also here). I also gave presentations at University of Washington and CMU (both with Michael Abrash).

I've tried to share some of my most interesting research videos on YouTube and Vimeo.

Outside of research and technology, I also enjoy cooking and baking for my amazing kids. If you're looking for ideas, here are our family's favorite recipes. I also worked on a Hebrew Programming Language project.

Recently, I've been working on computer vision and machine learning algorithms to disrupt the brick and mortar shopping experience.

I'm also maintaining a blog on computer vision and machine learning.

Finally, social media: Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, DiscoverOrg, Quora and Pinterest

Copyright Dov Katz / Dubi Katz / דב כץ / דובי כץ
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